
Photography Workshops

Our tours are scheduled and helps to support Independent Journalism, and the Crossing Borders Project by taking one of our Photography Workshops!  To see the list of tours scroll down below and click on the links for more information!

If you are planning to travel to Italy or Israel in the near future, why not include a photography workshop in your calendar?  We provide both a personal tour while working on sharpening your photography skills.  You will walk away with a local view of the culture, life and landscape along with prize winning images to include in your photo album all at a very reasonable cost!

Our mentorship is personal according to your level and photography needs.  Susan has a double masters one in photography and the other in conflict analysis.  She also has a BS in archeology with 7 years of Middle East archeological experience, including photographing various sites in Israel.

Susan Brannon is now offering 5 day photography workshops in Tuscany, Israel, and The West Bank. 
1 day in Oregon when I am around!

We go off the beaten path and work on composition, scene selection, light and shadow, culture and editing. The workshops start before sunrise in the mornings, a break for lunch and reviews and editing and then out to the field a few hours before sunset in order to work with the best possible natural lighting.

Not only do you gain knowledge in photography, but you also will learn some local history both cultural and archeological!

You need to have your own digital camera, tripod, and laptop with Photoshop.  It is best to have an SRL digital camera with different lenses.  You are responsible for your own flights, hotel and food.
Tuscany Workshops: Three types of workshops through the months of March and May.  In May the flowers are in bloom and the weather is not too hot. The landscape is coming alive and we won't have to walk through too many puddles!  

Dates: Booking now for fall 2017 September/October and July
  Chianti: based in Siena
  Chianiti:  based in Florence
  Chianti:  based in Siena
For more information: Tuscan Photo Workshops

For this tour we cover a lot of territory in a few days; you will learn history (using my archeological degree) and the walks of Jesus.  There is so much to see and take images of, that the days will be packed so you will need to come rested! 
Dates: Booking now for 2017 - November 
Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Negev Desert
Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Negev
For more information: Israel Photo Workshops 

West Bank:  
For this tour you will learn on the Palestinian life and culture; we will be viewing the wall and walking along it on the Palestinian side, capturing images of the Palestinian history, culture and any news events that may occur. 
Dates: Booking now for 2017 - November
West Bank areas of Bethlehem; Hebron; Jericho and Ramallah.
West Bank Photojournalism Workshop
For more information:  West Bank Photo Workshops 

To inquire for more information or to book email me at:

Who is Susan Brannon?

Susan Brannon is a photojournalist  with over a decade of field experience.  She has recorded the lives of the people of Palestine, Israel, Iraq, and other theaters of conflict and war.  Brannon’s photographs are simply about people: their passions, their struggles, their lives.  Her images have appeared on international front page newspapers, magazines, book covers and various promotional materials for international non profits.  She writes “I am interested in gathering the truth of events, the behind the scenes stories, rather than the mainstream headline news.”

Copyright © 2011-2017 Susan Brannon Photography. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction of anything on this website is limited to direct response to the author, and or referenced to the author. All other forms of transmission, reproduction or broadcast outside of these are strictly prohibited without written permission from Susan Brannon. The contents in this website are the intellectual property of Susan Brannon. 

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