I have to admit, the cars were beautiful, and I mean beautiful. To listen to the Ferrari engine roar made me think of the best sexual experience...Actually, I could see myself sitting on the front leather seat with my hair blowing through the wind and a really hot guy sitting right next to me. He was giving me the look of love with a big smile on his face. When I finished strolling through dreamland, I woke up and decided that I needed to play the lottery more often. I wonder how many of the other people were dreaming like I was.
Just about everyone was taking photographs with their cell phones, or small digital camera's. I saw some professional looking folks bouncing around in the attempt to get that perfect shot. I took some images myself, just look at them, are they not good?
While glancing around, I had to take a shot of the "model" looking girl standing in front of one of the shops, just look at her stance, is she a professional? I took a shot of a sweet looking foreign young man with a glint in his eyes. He was standing proudly by a Ferrari looking as though he just made it to heaven.
I also noticed many "single" women wondering around all dressed in fancy clothes. A person told me that they are hoping to find some rich man. I think to myself as a response, "Can money really buy happiness, how can a women be with a person just for money and live with herself?" I know that I sound a bit naive, and I know that people really do live that way, I just cannot imagine it for myself. It seems to be a plastic world of unreality.
I know that if I won the lottery, I would not buy a Ferrari, I would pay off my children's and my student loans, pay cash for a nice home...or two. I am torn between two places, Florence and the states, if I were lucky enough I would buy two. Then, I would invest some and continue with my passion of photography projects. Now that is a dream!
Books: Ferrari: "A complete guide to all models" by, Leonardo Lcerbl
Lottery: "Lottery Master Guide" by, Gail Howard
Student Loan: "The Student Loan Scam: The Most Oppressive Debt in the U.S. History - and How We Can Fight Back" by, Alan Michael Collinge
Student Loan: "Zero Debt for College Grads: From Student Loans to Financial Freedom" by, Lynnette Khalfani
Student Loan: "How to Wipe Out Your Student Loans and Be Debt Free Fast: Everything You need to Know Explained Simply" by, Michele Burgh
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